Transform your life into a masterpiece that lets your uniqueness shine in all its glory and makes you an incomparable personality!
My great passion is to accompany people on their metamorphosis into authentic and unique personalities. There is much more in each of us than we admit to ourselves and than our environment allows.
I can help you to reach your full potential and stand out from the crowd!
It is important to break through the barriers of the mainstream and start a life that is as individual as each of us! Anyone who combines this with the personal seal of authenticity - authenticity - can expect remarkable opportunities in life!
improved time management
increased performance
strengthened self-confidence
optimized leadership efficiency
Source: Forbes reports on the overwhelming success of business coaching services.
From a fixed mindset to explosive growth
Less competition
From analog follower to incomparable personality
Higher value
Gain clarity on how to have maximum impact on your personal results and generate new levels of growth.
Gain a stronger position in your field and abandon any competitive thinking, as direct comparisons are no longer possible.
Learn to use your special features and present yourself properly to leave an incomparable impression.
Gain value personally, creatively and professionally as your uniqueness is seen as more valuable and directly impacts your market value.
We would love to hear from you. Schedule your personal appointment here.
The ability to stand out from the crowd is inherent in every person. Each of us is individual and unique. However, only a few people are able to develop this ability themselves and use it systematically. It's within reach!
Are you ready to take your career to the next level? With my one-on-one support, you will set clear goals, develop action plans, break down limiting beliefs and convictions, and identify opportunities and strategies for creating your personal growth.
Perfect your personal style
From a rigid mindset to explosive growth Gain clarity about how you can have maximum influence on your personal results and generate a new level of growth.
From analog follower to incomparable personality Learn to use your special features and present yourself properly to make an incomparable impression.
From average colleague to successful leader Find your personal way to stand out from the crowd and give your career a boost of maximum success.
Systemic approach
Personality analysis
1:1 intensive coaching
Session 120 min
BE UNIQUE - The Mallorca special
Uniqueness - Your Gamechanger! The ability to stand out from the crowd is inherent in every person. Each of us is individual and unique. In this program, you will learn how to develop this ability and use it systematically.
Perfect your unrivalled style
Uniqueness and differentiation Shine with your own identity, stand out from the crowd and be perceived as unique with inestimable value.
Less competition Gain a stronger position in your field and leave any competitive mindset behind as direct comparisons are no longer possible.
Greater value Gain value in personal, creative and business terms as your uniqueness is seen as more valuable and directly impacts your market value.
2 days of intensive coaching in Mallorca
Proven 4-step system
Personality analysis
1:1 sessions
Billing options
Develop the best version of yourself - in uniqueness and perfection. This personal opportunity is limited to a few people due to its scope and exclusivity and is specifically designed for those high achievers who have achieved a high level of success in their lives but are aware that there are still blocks to overcome as they strive to reach their highest potential. For you as a leader who still has so much more to give and wants guidance on their journey to help them impact the world in a bigger and more meaningful way.
Perfect your life
Holistic transformation of lifestyle and career Improve your quality of life through a balanced lifestyle that has a positive effect on your performance and satisfaction.
Strengthening leadership skills and self-management Learn to act highly effectively and reap the success you have longed for by building strong self-confidence and a clear vision.
Deepest personal fulfillment and professional goal achievement Take your life satisfaction to a new level by aligning your inner values and beliefs with your professional ambitions.
12 month term
Unlimited sessions
Unlimited calls
Executive 1:1 VIP intensive days
Systematic approach
Personality analyses
1:1 intensive coaching
Monthly master classes
Free strategy session
Monthly billing or one-off payment with 10% discount
The whole is more than the sum of its parts! Successful teams do not emerge on their own, but through targeted leadership and support. They are based on clear goals, open communication, mutual trust and the willingness to learn from one another and develop together. These foundations create the conditions for teams to work successfully, resiliently and productively in the long term.
Perfect your team
We work with the individuals, get to know their characteristics and give them the personal space to develop. Then a team can be formed from this. The exciting thing about it is that the team members can master this themselves with a little support! Everyone finds the perfect place! Only in the last step do we give the team, which has thus created its imaginary space, an entrepreneurial framework with methods and tools and finally network it within the company.
Performance through personality development The team members develop their strengths and compensate for weaknesses independently. Real team spirit emerges and with it the first performance.
STEP 1 We give each team member (individual) the personal space to become aware of their own particularities. This can be achieved in a completely relaxed atmosphere within the team.
STEP 2 In a smooth transition, the team members will form their stable team set, which knows its strengths and will place them correctly. Apparent weaknesses are transparent and the team is ready to grow from them.
STEP 3 In the last step, we give this team a framework. A framework with tools that support the team in its work. This means that it is ultimately integrated into the entrepreneurial framework and can start its work with energy and determination.
2 days
Team Performance
Intensive Coaching
Cross-functional structures
Systematic approach
Various frameworks incl. Agile characteristics
3 - 9 paricipants
Would you like to book me as a trainer for your team or as a speaker for your event?
01 — The first step
The first step of a long journey is to determine the correct sequence of actions and body movements
Norbert Staudte
At first I just wanted to get an external perspective on my concerns. During the first conversation it became clear that there is often more to the current hurdles than meets the eye. Simply addressing and sorting things out triggered a reorganization process.
Thomas Lloyd
Klaus is a 'life changer'! He brings with him a huge wealth of experience when it comes to uniqueness and personal change!
Thomas Pfaelzner
With his coaching, Klaus offers completely new approaches for high performance business. The focus on people and their inner parts and the clearly structured relationship management in coaching bring real advantages and form the basis for maximum success in harmony with real enthusiasm.
Christopher Walker
Behind his coaching lies an intuitive concept of reflection, training and a feel for the person's concerns. A great support in finding perspectives and goals! Success came quickly!
Send us a message and we will get back to you shortly by phone or email.